Adam Cherrington at Cherrington media

Reduce Lost Affiliate Commissions by Optimizing Sales Funnels Like Adam Cherrington

As an affiliate marketer, I know how frustrating it can be to drive traffic to an offer, only to see many leads and sales fall through the cracks.

After years of building my affiliate marketing business, Cherrington Media, I’ve learned the importance of optimizing sales funnels to maximize conversions and commissions.

Far too often, affiliates send hard-earned traffic to poorly optimized funnels that leak value. The result? Lost leads and missed affiliate payouts.

By optimizing the sales funnels you promote, you can boost conversions and reduce lost affiliate commissions.

When I first started with affiliate marketing, I would often just pick an offer and promote it without digging into the funnel experience.

Traffic would convert at a dismally low rate. I quickly realized I needed to vet offers more thoroughly, especially evaluating their sales funnels.

As an affiliate for different offers, you gain access to optimized high-converting sales funnels. But even still, minor tweaks can squeeze out better performance.

In this post, I’ll share tips to optimize funnels to prevent leakage and reduce lost affiliate commissions.

Optimizing sales funnel with Adam Cherrington

Adam Cherrington And Choosing Offers with High-Converting Funnels

Not all funnels convert the same. As an affiliate, your first step is vetting offers to pick those with the best-converting sales processes.

Watch out for funnels with excessive steps, poor page design, confusing messaging, or lack of trust elements. These issues all drive down conversions.

Instead, seek offers with short, focused funnels that clearly communicate value.

Things like video sales letters (VSLs), lead magnets, and webinar funnels tend to convert better.

Always test offers yourself before driving in traffic. If the funnel doesn’t convert for you, it won’t for your audience.

Split Test Funnel Elements With Cherrington Media

Once you’ve picked a solid offer, look for ways to optimize the funnel experience. Small tweaks can add up to big differences in conversions.

For example, I frequently use Unbounce to create and test different lead capture pages.

Even minor changes like button color, headline copy, or added social proof can lift conversions.

Approach funnel optimization as an ongoing process of refinement rather than a one-and-done task.

Continually test new funnel combinations and double down on what works best.

Add Trust Elements Like Adam Cherrington

Lack of trust is one of the biggest hurdles for affiliate marketers to overcome. After all, you’re sending visitors to an outside offer they likely know little about.

Without establishing credibility and safety, many will bounce without converting.

I always seek to promote offers with elements that foster trust and authority.

Things like prominent badges, certifications, testimonials, and guarantees help put visitors at ease.

Add Trust Elements Like Adam Cherrington

If the offer you’re promoting lacks adequate trust building, consider adding these components yourself on landing/opt-in pages.

These small signals make a big difference in converting confidence into sales.

Cherrington Media And Retargeting Abandoned Leads

Even well-optimized sales funnels will suffer some leakage. Visitors may land on the order bump after checkout and decide the upsell is too much.

Others get distracted and leave the page before opting in. Abandoned visitors represent lost potential commissions.

Implementing retargeting ads helps recapture some of this lost value. Use pixels to track visitor actions through the funnel.

Then set up Google/Facebook remarketing ads targeting those who left without converting.

Even simple text/image ads reminding abandoning visitors about the offer help guide more back into the funnel. Retargeting helps ensure maximum commissions per visitor.

Analyzing Attribution Data with Adam Cherrington

Within affiliate dashboards and networks, you gain access to attribution reporting on your conversion rates.

Use these analytics to identify exactly where in the funnel visitors are dropping out.

Seeing 30% exit the funnel after the first upsell? Try removing that bump or changing the messaging.

Noticing low intake rates from a certain traffic source? Stop wasting resources driving unqualified visitors.

Continually assess affiliate attribution to make data-driven optimization decisions. Doubly down on what converts while pruning what doesn’t.

Follow Up with Live Chat

Once a visitor enters the sales funnel, the selling is only partially done by the automated pages. That’s why I think post-opt-in communication is so critical for conversions.

Visitor engagement doesn’t end once they enter an email or checkout.

Following up via live chat allows answering last-minute questions and nudging hesitant subscribers towards purchase.

If the offer you’re promoting lacks quality follow-up, consider adding this yourself.

Many chat services integrate directly into the checkout process. The cost of the software pays for itself in higher conversion and affiliate earnings.

Add Bonus Incentives

Sometimes simple bonus incentives are all that’s needed to complete the sale.

Visitors who have already expressed interest or partial commitment get tantalizingly close to converting. A small added nudge lures them the rest of the way.

Consider adding your own supplemental incentive as an affiliate. Free shipping, extended trials, bonus gifts, or discounted upsells help overcome hesitation.

Just make sure bonuses align with the core offer so you don’t devalue the product. This is what we do and teach at Cherrington Media.

Cherrington media use of Bonus incentives

The Right Partner for Success

Optimizing affiliate promotion goes beyond just driving visitors. It’s about thoroughly understanding the sales funnel experience that meets visitors once they arrive.

Minor tweaks in funnel messaging, design, incentives, and retargeting make a big revenue difference in the highly competitive affiliate marketing space.

By choosing to become an affiliate at Cherrington Media, you gain access to the resources, tools, and optimized funnels for success with affiliate marketing.

I focus heavily on funnel optimization and traffic generation and also teach you to do the same.

This way, we all get to win and go on to live the lives we were meant to live. That’s it for today. Have a lovely day!






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